The Ultimate Guide to Colorado Springs Landscaping

Spoiler–spring. And here’s why.
Landscaping means a variety of things to different people, mainly because yards tend to be uniquely individual. Even in cookie-cutter sub-divisions where every house is built off of the same three layouts, yards are not. What you do to your yard is not the same as what your neighbor will do. Nevertheless, there are a few general guidelines we can share that will help maximize your landscaping endeavor.
When To Plant In Colorado Springs
Whether starting your landscaping from scratch or dabbling with a new garden, Colorado has a specific growing season. Further, due to our cold snaps during the winter, you need to understand which plants are annual (living only one growing season) and perennial (coming back year after year).
To maximize the longevity of your annuals, it’s recommended that we plant toward the end of April and up until the beginning of June. April and May are gamble here in Colorado Springs, it’s not uncommon for our community to experience freezing temperatures and heavy snow during these months. It’s recommended that you hand water your plants, not turning on your sprinkling system until we’re past the freeze. It's also recommended that you have the ability to cover or bring your plants indoors to avoid harsh weather.
Perennials are little more forgiving and can be generally be planted any time of year. However, from our experience of planting over the years, we’ve found that perennials tend to fair best when planted in the spring. It gives these plants an entire growing season to establish their root systems and acclimatize your yard before the harsh winter.
When To Implement Landscaping Designs
For the vast majority of our homeowners, Alpine Contracting generally focuses on the overall architecture of your landscaping design. You bring us in to do the heavy lifting, leaving you with the enjoyable hobby of beautifying your home. Meaning, we optimize water usage through xeriscaping, construct your retaining walls, raised flower beds, water features, and we plant the large lifelong trees and perennials of your home. Under your direction, we’ll leave space for annuals, flower boxes, gardens, and any grass should you choose.
The best time to begin this work is also spring. Typically, the ground doesn’t remain frozen during this time and it's easy to work. Secondly, and in mind with the planting season explained above, we want your get your perennials in the ground and allow them time to develop. Lastly, we want you to have the entire summer and fall, some of Colorado’s most beautiful months, to enjoy your new investment. You'll still be left with the entire growing season to fiddle with your annuals. Landscaping that goes in during April means you’ll be enjoying cookouts with friends and family in June.
The Next Best Thing
If spring isn’t within your budget or plans, what’s your next best option? Well, you can forget about your annuals this season, but fall would be your next best choice. Plants in Colorado tend to fair better in the cooler months. Unexpected heat waves can be traumatizing and detrimental to recently transferred plants. Fall usually gives larger plants, such as trees, a little bit of time to settle in before the winter.
If planting is of no concern, other landscape designs and stonework can be implemented year-round. Of course, snow and cold snaps may slow outside construction and concrete work.
Do You Need Help Landscaping In Colorado Springs?
Alpine Contracting has been serving the Colorado Springs region for a decade. From installing fencing to outdoor living areas, from laying sod to designing gorgeous gardens in homes surround the Broadmoor, we’ve helped make outdoor spaces throughout our community more appealing to the eye and enjoyable for the family. Right now is the perfect time to reach out and schedule landscaping for your home–spring is right around the corner!