Alpine Contracting: A Proud Recipient of Best Workplaces Award 2020

Thank you for this prestigious recognition. Thank you to all of our team and trade partners!
For the last four years, The Gazette and Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce has recognized employers that create strong, healthy workplace cultures and environments. We’re proud to announce, for two years back-to-back, Alpine Contracting has been awarded Best Workplaces by our employees and trade partners.
Each year, anonymous surveys are sent to our team gauging our performance as a company and their happiness as an employee. Questions range from leadership, culture, mission and values, benefits, training, and social responsibility. DataJoe, a data collection agency located in Boulder, analyses the responses and The Gazette and Chamber of Commerce select the top employers to be honored Best Workplaces.
Beyond publicly earning such a humbling recognition, participating in this program each year helps us evaluate our progress as a company. Detailed metrics of our team’s satisfaction is broken into many categories, and most importantly, individuals are anonymously allowed to express opinions in their own words about a wide variety of topics. The survey is elaborate, not simply happiness ranked on a 1-10 scale, but a true opportunity for employees to express themselves on the issues they care most about.
As a small business, this has been an invaluable opportunity for us as we grow. It has brought light and confirmed the things we feel we excel at, along with specific, targeted goals for us to improve upon. In the past, working toward important internal issues felt subjective and was tough to track progress. Participating in Best Workplaces has really allowed us to cut through the clutter and focus on the issues that directly contribute to the happiness of our team.
Within the industry, this is also an important recognition. It demonstrates to our Colorado Springs community that Alpine Contracting is a quality, high caliber company to work for, and conduct business with. It also instills confidence within our customers, emphasizing that we are an earnest organization set upon a foundation of ethics and values. We’re just thankful that our effort has transcended to the people we care most about–those who have dedicated their professional lives to help us succeed.
On the surface, it’s difficult for us to toot our own horn. However, this recognition is about so much more than a title. It’s a reflection of our team, and we’ve very proud of each of them. We’re fortunate to have such a passionate and caring group of individuals enter our office each day. We’d be no where without the masterful talent of our trades. This honor is about these people–toot toot.
Thank you to The Gazette and Colorado Springs Chamber of Commerce for your consideration. Congratulations to the other companies who also earned this award in their category. We look forward to achieving successful business performances along side of you and impacting effective corporate leadership throughout the region.