Transform Your Home with a Custom Kitchen Remodel by Alpine Contracting

We understand that renovating your kitchen is a dedicated commitment. You’re throwing down considerable time and money, and we want you to feel good about it. Here’s a few tips on how to succeed throughout the kitchen remodeling process.
The kitchen is the centralized hub of the hub of the home. Let’s face it, it has the food. Not only does it see the most activity, but a well-functioning kitchen is the heartbeat of your family’s wellbeing. This is the space where the people you’re supposed to love get their nourishment, remorseless late-night snacks are snuck, meaningful conversations are had with teenagers, and everyone at the party seems to congregate. It’s understandable that many production home buyers want to improve this space, and it’s usually the first major upgrade our clients make. However, there’s always a bit of trepidation–people imagining the construction downtime being insurmountable and dust. People always mention dust.
First, Let’s Walk You Through The Process
At Alpine Contracting, we believe communication is paramount. We believe it’s essential that our customers know what to except along each stage when choosing us for any remodel or renovation. This open dialog puts everyone at ease, allows questions to be answered, and solutions provided for common inconveniences homeowners may experience.
Your Journey Begins With A Simple Phone Call
- Reach out to us. Ashlee, Mike, Eddie, or Kevin will be happy to hear your voice, and then we’ll listen to your ideas. After some brief information is exchanged, we’ll schedule a meeting.
Free Consultation
- After we know what type of project you're interested in, a specialist will be assigned to your family. Generally, we come to your home and allow you to show us what you have in mind. We’ll get a feel for your vision, take notes, and do some measurements. We’ll ask a series of questions, perhaps you have certain materials and finishes in mind? Maybe there was a kitchen in the Parade of Homes that really caught your eye? A photo from a magazine? One-upping your sister and her new island countertop? Heck yeah, we can do that.
- We’ve remodeled a lot of kitchens throughout Colorado Springs. It’s okay to lean on us. We take this time to guide you through the experience, help you make choices, and present you with ideas you may never have considered. We’ve learned a few things while renovating premier real estate in the Broadmoor, and we’re happy to share our best practices with you.
Free Quote
- Once we’ve captured your vision, we take that information and put it through our affordability calculator. We’ll provide you with a number up front, to ensure both of our budgets are in the ballpark.
- We encourage you to shop other contractors, compare our rates, and once you’ve decided that Alpine Contracting offers the best quality for your money along the Front Range, we’ll move forward with your design.
Our Showroom
- At this stage you are welcome to stop by our showroom off of Academy to browse material samples while we come up with plans for your design. We can also direct you to some of our local suppliers for inspiration.
- With your plan finalized, materials and products chosen, schedule presented, and price agreed upon–we’ll sign a contract to begin work.
Second, While We Work You Play
Okay, maybe not “play” but now all of the tough decisions have been made. Your financing is in order, agonizing over colors have been settled, and you’ve finally picked your appliances with the utmost conviction. Now is when things really start moving on our end.
- It may seem like common sense, but we need access to your home during normal business hours. If no one is able to be home during this time, we can arrange a lockbox with a key. Security codes or notifying your security company of unusual activity prior to us beginning work may also be helpful.
- Décor and valuables should be relocated from the work area. Depending on the how open the area is to the rest of the home and the type of work being conducted, drop clothes and dust covers are recommended. We do our very best to keep your home clean during and after our work, but, yes–there will be dust. I admit it! See, we’re honest. Straight shooters. It will be a team effort.
A lot of our clients are still able to live in their homes while we renovate, but do experience disruptions to their typical routine during a major kitchen remodel. Here’s some things to consider to help make your life easier:
- Secondary water source: perhaps a wet bar in your basement, guest bathroom, or patio faucet. You’ll need access to fresh drinking water, a place to clean dishes, water to prep meals, etc.
- A hot plate, microwave, slow cookers, and outdoor grills are all great ways to prepare hot meals without a stove.
- A secondary refrigerator in your bar or garage could be invaluable. Also consider quality a cooler, such as a Yeti–just make sure you have access to ice.
- Disposable cutlery, plates, and bowls. If washing is difficult for a few days, ease the burden with paper plates and pizza night. Or Thai night. Or just avoid anything to do with the kitchen all together. Think of it as a vacation from cooking. We understand this can get expensive–keep an eye on your budget and the schedule so that you aren’t feeling spread thin.
Nothing Is Set In Stone, Unless It’s Your New Granite
- We understand that people change their mind. You’re making lots of decisions–big decisions–and sometimes you want to change things. After you thought about it for a while, heck—why not spring for that Viking range? That’s okay, and we want you to be happy with your new kitchen. Just remember, each change you make impacts the price and schedule. As long as you’re flexible, it’s a breeze.
Third, Enjoy Your New Kitchen
Before you know it, a few days will have passed, the craftsmen will be gone from your home, and you’re able to step back and reflect on your new kitchen. There are few feelings like it, and we hope you take the time to enjoy it. Soon, and only if you’re doing it, your new appliances will splashed with spaghetti sauce, cookies cooked to a crisp, and holiday meals upstaged by drunk uncles. This new space is meant to be lived in, used, and celebrated. And we at Alpine Contracting take pride in providing meaningful spaces where loved ones gather to all of our friends in the community. Contact us today, we can't wait to get started.